🌈自分が倧奜きになる🌈 "たった䞀぀の自信があれば、人生は茝き始める" をご玹介したす【有川真由矎さんの本自己啓発・アファメヌション・匕き寄せ・ラむフスタむルなどの本をご玹介】

🌈自分が倧奜きになる🌈 “たった䞀぀の自信があれば、人生は茝き始める” をご玹介したす【有川真由矎さんの本自己啓発・アファメヌション・匕き寄せ・ラむフスタむルなどの本をご玹介】

If you have just one confidence, your life will shine This is how to increase your self-affirmation
 Are you confident in yourself now?If you picked up this book, you are a very humble person. But, no, I’m sure you’re the type of person who says you don’t have any self-confidence.But

Aren’t you the type of person who would like to become a confident person if possible ?This book exists to respond to your feelings.Actually, I am also a self-confident person. I was one of those people who thought that there was no

Such thing as self-confidence.I didn’t have to have confidence.Just by living, I was able to open myself up like that.Even now, I’m not full of confidence , but since I gained a little confidence, every day has become more enjoyable. I started to have a lot of hope

And was able to carve out a life for myself.If I had never had confidence in myself, I would have always given up and just let things go by around me.This uncertainty applies to you too. I want you to have just one thing that makes you feel confident in order to survive these times

Brightly, happily and flexibly.If you have just one thing, the possibilities of what you can do will expand rapidly. Your life will start to shine as you will be able to interact with other people.When you are selected for a managerial position or a leadership position, men who have vaguely imagined that they

Will do their best are happy, but women are happy. What people say most often is: Will I be able to do the job? In other words, I’m not confident.Compared to traditional male leaders, I ‘m lacking something.I can’t work hard enough, and I’m a woman. People who lack self-confidence can’t picture

Themselves as capable of doing things.Furthermore , it is only women who are good students who can do many things, are polite, and have a good personality that lack confidence . Even if you praise someone for their poor work performance, no,

If you say that you haven’t done it at all, you have low self -esteem.Self-affirmation is the feeling of affirming that you are valuable and important.There may also be humility. Even with that in mind, there are quite a few times when I wish I had

More confidence. Lack of confidence probably means that there are many things that I’m not good at. No matter how hard I try to do various things properly, I still feel like I’m not good enough. Dots keep coming up one after another and you can’t get over your anxiety.Anyone

Can lose confidence and wonder why I am the way I am.I’m sure everyone has had the experience of looking at someone who is great and thinking that they are no good. Even though I could study, I couldn’t do physical education at all, and I

Might have hated myself and wondered why I couldn’t do it like everyone else.If I didn’t do it like everyone else, I couldn’t do this or that. This pressure has become ingrained in us unconsciously.We live in a society where many things are always demanded of us.If we

Try to fit ourselves into the ideals demanded by those around us, we end up distrusting the reality of ourselves. The gap between our ideal self and our actual self deprives us of self-confidence. We often wish we had more self-confidence. We often think that self-confidence is something that can be acquired . Confidence

Is something that everyone naturally has. Young children believe in themselves 100%. They may not be able to walk, but they don’t think they don’t have the confidence to talk. Of course. I try to stand up and walk or talk.Even

If I can’t do that for some reason, I accept it naturally and try to find something I can do and have fun.Confidence means believing in who you are and trying to live your life . It is also the ability to do things.The reason you gradually lose confidence is

Because you start to evaluate your own worth.If you focus on the parts of yourself that you lack, you will gradually lose confidence.However , the parts that are inferior There are things that I am good at, but there are also things that I can do, but

If I focus on what I have, I will not be robbed of my confidence.I will try to find my own potential and live my life . Even if you say that there is nothing special about you or that you don’t have any great qualities, you are bound to be blessed.There will always

Be a moment when you become confident that you can do something like that . However, first of all, I want you to realize it yourself and make use of it.The small seeds that will help you gain confidence may be hidden nearby.Anyone can gain confidence.So , how can you gain confidence

? Let’s start by telling you how people change when they are born.If you have just one confidence, your life will start to shine.Hello, this is a show from Happy Research Institute, also known as Happy Lab. I would like to introduce you to a book called “

If I had a little more confidence, my life would change.” Have you ever thought like this? If you don’t have confidence in your work or relationships, you end up suppressing your thoughts. I think there are a lot of people like this who give up

Because they think it’s not going to work no matter what they try, and then they stop liking themselves.If this is the case with you, it’s okay, don’t worry, you can still be yourself as you are now. The power of belief can be nurtured.

If you have just one confidence, your life will start to shine. The author is Mayumi Arikawa . This book is based on her own experience, including over 50 jobs and travel experience in over 40 countries. Mr. Arikawa, who has been publishing one after another and is constantly releasing bestsellers.

All of Mr. Arikawa’s books have a really wonderful atmosphere, and I have been introduced to many of them on this channel, and I am already a big fan of Mr. Arikawa . In this book, she teaches you how to develop the ability to believe in yourself

Through small opportunities and daily habits, even if you don’t have any special talent or accomplish anything big.In this video, you can get a glimpse of the atmosphere of this book. I would like to introduce only 5 of these happy diamonds , so please watch till the end.This

Time too, we will be looking for happy diamonds.We have placed 5 of these happy diamonds somewhere in the video, so please try to find them. If so, then you can get a little bit of happiness. Well then, please continue. At the Happy Research Institute, we introduce various know-how to be happy.

Subscribe to the channel and let’s create happiness together. A friend who takes a step and improves his outlook. I got divorced in my late fifties and moved to Tokyo from the countryside.Up until then, I had been raising children and working as a nursing teacher

, so it was my first experience living in a city, living alone, and changing jobs. I had a strong sense of what I had to do, and I had always protected my family and community life, but

Now that I’m done raising children, I’ve decided that I want to live for myself from now on, and I’m a little worried about living in the city. However , once I started working, I felt more confident.I found a job as a teacher, made a lot of friends, and was enjoying every day.After

Working for a few years, I suddenly decided that I wanted to quit my stable job and start my own business. As I was giving massages and healing therapy to the people around me, my

Number of customers increased through word of mouth, and I started receiving requests from all over the country to teach my services.At first, it was extremely scary to lose my monthly salary. But I’m really glad I took the plunge and quit. Now

That I’m doing what I want to do, I don’t have to deal with any hassles and I’m managing to manage the money. My friend has gained confidence one step at a time by taking a step forward.It’s easier to give birth than to worry about something, but

There are many cases where you try it and it turns out to be surprisingly easy. If you take a step forward , you may find yourself taking on bold challenges one after another, even if you have been sitting still

Without moving much until then.The fresh feeling of knowing that you can do it if you try , will encourage you to take action one after another. It wasn’t until I was in my late 30s that I started taking on big challenges.It

Would be a lie if I said that I didn’t have any anxiety at all.I wasn’t confident from the beginning that I would succeed, but as I keep moving forward, I can do it . There are moments when you have a clear outlook.If you

Can do one new thing, you want to try it more.For humans, the pleasure of being able to do something is so satisfying that it becomes addictive.Confidence means having a clear outlook. This is something that will follow you as you move.If you just think about it in your head, all the bad

Things will come to mind, which will not only increase your anxiety, but also cause you to lose trust in yourself because you can’t do what you want to do.If you take the first step, Confidence will build up like a fog suddenly clearing

When you realize that you can do it.Once you gain confidence , you will be able to take similar actions and challenges very easily.Anxiety is an illusion that you have created. You will realize that

You have the power to do what you want to do.The confidence that you can take the first step towards what you want to do will become firmly rooted in you.I will lose confidence and fail without using words. This is a line from a female surgeon who is the main character

In a popular drama series : When people around you are worried about what you will do if your surgery fails, you don’t have to think about it failing because there is no chance of it happening. Seeing him say things so clearly is so thrilling and makes me cringe.Maybe people are looking for that

Level of confidence that they can’t take advantage of.Actually, the inspiration for this line was when the queen of the judo world was a sportscaster. It is said that he said this in response to a question about not thinking about failure.I don’t make mistakes, so

These words come out because I have been stoically dedicated to practicing, but when you think about it, the people who dare to say something bullish are the ones who are I’m also a person who has a sense of responsibility, and I ‘m

Trying to create that reality by saying that I absolutely trust myself.It ‘s not that I make fewer mistakes or that I try not to make mistakes, but that I don’t make mistakes . If you say it clearly, it feels like the future is already decided.It has been said for

A long time that there is a spirit of speech that turns what you say into reality, but it is not a mysterious power or anything, and everyone can feel it. If we say things will be okay,

We can approach things with peace of mind, and if we say that we are worried, we become anxious, aren’t we? Our habits of speech always hint at and tell us that things are supposed to be that way , dozens of times. I don’t have confidence.If I keep repeating the words “I

Can’t do it,” it’s obvious that I’m not confident.The more negative things I say, the more it becomes true.Then, if you don’t change your words, you’ll get ahead of yourself. It’s okay to do small things, things are going well, it’s easy, it’s

Fun, it’s interesting, I like it, etc. When you say things like, “I like it” unconsciously, you start to align yourself with the words and gradually it becomes second nature.When you have a goal that you really want to achieve. If you want to trust yourself, you should use words that make you trust yourself.Also,

Just deciding not to use 3D words that lead you in a bad direction will change your thinking. You can prevent yourself from going in a negative way.Words that come from negation are words that make excuses.Words that will bring you down anyway.On the contrary, affirm everything and improve yourself without making excuses. Just

By not using the 3D words that we tend to say, we are doing an exercise to move forward. Through the magic of words, let’s wear the beautiful clothes of confidence and move on. I once asked a friend of mine who thinks he has a high level of self-confidence if he’s ever lost confidence

. Of course I have. When I was in elementary school, I wasn’t good at physical education and it was because of me that I had to take part in the class relay . There was a time when I lost, and when a boy with poor grades

Accused me of running slow, I felt frustrated and felt sorry for everyone, but I wasn’t disappointed because I was slow at running . It was frustrating to think that I couldn’t

Stand up to anyone else.The parts of me that I can do don’t show up, and the things that I can’t do stand out, so I feel like I’m unlucky.That ‘s why I thought I had such high self-esteem. So even if someone tells me I run slow,

I’ll just admit that it’s true and I can’t help it.I’m not trying to run fast, but I’m good at it in my own way, so that’s fine.I’ll never deny myself. Now that she’s a member of society, she says she doesn’t mind being scolded by her boss.It’s a blessing to be scolded,

But her boss tries to be careful and scold her secretly, but if that doesn’t work, she can scold him in public. Even if she gets scolded, she simply thinks that it’s just a part of her and that she just needs to fix that.Even

If she gets scolded in public, her self-esteem won’t be hurt.She believes in herself at the core. I think it’s easier to understand if you think of self-confidence as having two layers.One is self- confidence . Self-confidence, which lies at the center of the invisible root of existence,

Is the basic self-confidence of trusting yourself as you are, and can also be called self-esteem.The other is the various partial self-confidence that can be seen on the surface, such as physical appearance, ability characteristics, etc. It is necessary to consider these two things separately. Even if my partial self-confidence hurts me a little, as

Long as my self-confidence remains intact, I can say that no matter who I am, I have my own good points. People who easily lose their confidence will be hurt by their partial confidence, and that damage will reach their core self-confidence, damaging them and making them feel like there’s

No value in living, and I can’t do anything. This is also influenced by the habits of our brains and emotions.In order to avoid danger and live our lives, we focus more on the bad and unpleasant things than on the good things. They also have a habit of getting emotional and being too scared.So

In order to regain their confidence, you should tell them that when they get hurt, it’s not a big deal and it’s okay.Let’s stop it with a partial wound.Specifically . Basically, tell them the following two things.It only means one thing.Even if someone says something terrible, a specific person is saying something about one thing.Even

If there are things you can’t do. It’s just one thing. If you are aware of that, your self-esteem will not be hurt unconsciously, and you will be able to calm down and accept the reality. You

Have good qualities in yourself. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have . By focusing on the light instead of the darkness, the darkness becomes invisible. When I’m hurt, I

Affirm myself that I have my own worth and that I’m okay. I change my words to love myself and take care of myself . If you do it, you will be able to save money steadily.In other words, having the confidence to steadily save money is being able to trust yourself to move forward.

People who lack self-confidence end up becoming passive or exhibiting distorted behavior because they don’t have enough trust.The most effective and sure-fire way to develop self-confidence is to just do what you do.The pleasure of small accomplishments. This is what I

Call “savings you can make by doing.” Savings you can do by doing can be small things.For example , today when you want to clean your room, you realize that it’s too much work. Don’t give up until the end. You can do it by looking at the clean room. You

‘ll feel refreshed and refreshed. This pleasure is a successful experience. If you do it within yourself right now, you can do it. Your savings will instantly accumulate.Contact someone you’ve been meaning to contact for a while.Do a small act of kindness.If you experience the feeling of being able to

Do just about anything, such as exercising on a holiday, you’ll be able to do just about anything. Your savings will accumulate. If you do things like that, you’ll start to feel like you can do other things as you save money. Even if

You fail a little, you’ll feel like you can try again. That’s it. You can use your past experiences to move forward. There are three points to save money that you can make if you do it. 1 It’s important to be aware of what you’ve accomplished.

Even if they do the same thing as if they were successful or achieved something , there are some people who think, like me, that they did a good job, and others who ignore it without feeling anything . Some people may do this. If you don’t

Feel joy, you won’t have saved money. Your self-confidence will never increase . It’s important to be aware of each and every thing you’ve done. Rejoice in the moments when you fall in love with someone and want to hug them.2 You can save money even when it comes to ordinary things.If you are

Feeling a little burdened by things that you take for granted, rather than something special, then you have saved money.For example: I didn’t want to go to work today, but I managed to get there.I made a lunch even though I was busy.I said hello

To my boss when I felt awkward.I’ve done things that make me trust myself.Let ‘s whisper to each other in my heart that I can do it if I try. 3 By taking on new challenges, you can significantly increase your savings.When you try something new,

You can do it.My space of confidence has expanded significantly.I keep thinking that I would be happy if I could do this.It would feel good . Let’s get on with it. Even if you lose your confidence, it won’t go down to zero. Sometimes women who have been full-time housewives for many years try to

Get a job again, but it doesn’t go well and they lose confidence. Before getting married, they worked as an accountant for several years. But now that computers are mainstream, I can’t keep up with them, and I feel like there’s no work I can do, and I’m not wanted anywhere, so I’ve

Lost all confidence . Most of the time, this is wrong.Even if you stand on the same playing field as younger people, it is obvious that you will lose.Certainly, the skills you used to do in your old job will not be of any help to you.However,

The experience of working as a member of society
 There are many things you can do, such as being able to cook even if you don’t know how to use a computer, being able to handle a variety of tasks at the same time, and being able to get along with difficult

People.For example, it is possible to be a mentor or a source of knowledge for younger colleagues. As you get older, you may feel like you are no longer able to do the things you used to do.For example, you may no longer have the tight

Firmness you had when you were younger.In the past, even if you broke up with your lover, you might not be able to do the things you used to do. I was confident that a new person would eventually appear, but now that I’m in my early 50s, I

‘m afraid things won’t be the same.I’ve lost confidence in my physical strength.In the past, I used to do all kinds of work, including staying up all night and doing physical labor. Even though I said that, I don’t have the confidence to do something like that now.However,

Even if I lose that confidence, I still don’t think it’s zero.It does n’t mean I can’t have a relationship, and I can do some work that requires a little physical effort. There are many interesting things that you can do at your age.As you get older

, you can go to places that you couldn’t go to when you were younger, you can enjoy intellectual conversations, and you can have interesting experiences through connections with people. That’s the joy of it. There’s a landscape you’ve never seen before. Even if you run out of money, even if you lose your job,

Even if you don’t have anyone to rely on, your confidence meter will never reach zero. From the outside looking in, Even if it’s zero, the things you’ve accumulated inside yourself like savings are never zero.

The scariest thing is losing confidence and not being able to do anything. You feel like you’re about to lose confidence and think you can’t do it anymore. You must have gained the confidence that you have taken action even when things have happened.If you remember what you have and have not reached zero

, you can try again and start again.Confidence It’s not that you can definitely do it, it’s not that there’s a clear basis for it, it’s that you can imagine that you can do it by chance, and it’s that you have hope.That’s why

You hold on to that tiny bit of confidence you had at the moment you thought you could do it. Don’t let go of everything you’ve been thinking about. Even if for a moment you feel like you might not be able to do it, just shake it off as quickly as possible.

The abilities you’re currently manifesting are actually just the tip of the iceberg. The key to unlocking great potential is believing in yourself. There is nothing more fun than testing out how much power you have in life. Are you confident or can you do it? The answer is yes or no. It’s up to

Your heart to decide. This time, I only introduced the prologue , but did you get the feel of the book? When I talk about self-confidence, I’m sure most people will say they don’t have it . You may be disappointed , but that’s all until today. From the day you read this book,

You might be able to do this or that. It’s not that bad, you might think. You’ll start to feel a little confidence that this is who you are, and your little confidence will start to build up. You will develop a greater sense of self-confidence. Take that first step today. They

Say that changing your way of thinking will change your life, but reading this book will make you realize that there are so many good things about yourself and that there are so many things you can do. A small realization like that can lead to a big change in your life.

Why not take advantage of the opportunity that is right in front of you ? If you are interested, why not read it ? That’s right, everyone, I’ll tell you this at the beginning. I found a happy diamond. There were 5 diamonds in total.

How did you find it? Even the small joy of finding one was a great happiness . As you accumulate happiness, your level of happiness increases. Thank you for watching until the end. I will continue to compile information that will help you make everyone happy, so I would be very

Happy if you could subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating. I’ll see you in the next video. May happiness reach everyone


















🌈奜印象の魔法🌈 "なぜか話しかけたくなる人、ならない人" をご玹介したす【有川真由矎さんの本自己啓発・アファメヌション・匕き寄せ・ラむフスタむルなどの本をご玹介】
🌈2024幎は、これでうたくいく🌈 "やりたいこずを今すぐやれば、人生はうたくいく" をご玹介したす【有川真由矎さんの本自己啓発・アファメヌション・匕き寄せ・ラむフスタむルなどの本をご玹介】
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🌈自分軞で玠敵に生きる🌈 "「振り回されない」女は人生をずこずん楜しめる" をご玹介したす【有川真由矎さんの本自己啓発・匕き寄せ・ラむフスタむルなどの本をご玹介】
“みるみる幞運䜓質になる! 「自分ほめ」”
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“い぀も幞せそうな人の小さな習慣 心を自由にしお幞せになる88の方法”
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00:00 オヌプニング・プロロヌグ
06:22 本曞の玹介
08:35 䞀歩を螏み出しお、芋通しをよくする
12:03 自信のなくなる蚀葉を䜿わない
15:56 叱られおも党吊定されたわけじゃない
20:20 「やればできる貯金」をコツコツ貯める
23:58 自信をなくしおも、れロにはならない
28:18 本曞のおすすめポむント


お手数ですが happylab3333@gmail.comたでご連絡頂けたすず幞いです。


メヌル | happylab3333@gmail.com


#ハッピヌ研究所 #有川真由矎 #自己啓発 #ラむフスタむル #幞せ #幞犏 #運 #幞運 #開運 #本 #芁玄 #玹介 #女性 #vyond


  1. 私は氷山の䞀角、朜圚意識の話が倧奜きです

  2. やればできる貯金、すごくいいですね❀取り入れおみたす😊

  3. 自分に自信を持っお、自己肯定感を高めおいきたいず思いたす😊

  4. ダむアモンド💎5぀ゲットしたした。ラッキヌ😊✌
    珟圚䞀人旅に行こうか迷っおたずこでした。動画芋お行かなきゃっお思いたした。出来る貯金増やすために 😅

  5. 昔あったね😂家庭教垫REBORN(アニメ)

  6. 自分の存圚䟡倀を認めたり自分を奜きでいるかが、䜕かを達成するこずによっお決めおいたら、人生が生きづらくなりたすね。たさに過去の私でした😢 色々な郚分がある自分を䞞ごず受け入れるこずができたら、䜕も根拠がなくおも自信を持おるのでしょうね。

  7. ずっず自己肯定感や自分軞迷子の私には必須な本だず感じたした。自信があればさたざたな可胜性が開けそうですよね。より豊かに過ごすためにも読んでみたいず思いたした。

  8. このチャンネルが倧奜きです❀

  9. 「ラッキヌ」

  10. 初めおコメントしたす😊先月からハピ研さんのYouTubeを聞くのが日課になりたした✋

  11. ①【虫の知らせ】②【自己理解】怜玢したら出お来たした 玠晎らしいお話を聞かせおくれおありがずうございたした😊

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