iPhone 15 Proで撮影 | ミッドナイト | Apple

iPhone 15 Proで撮影 | ミッドナイト | Apple

The night has countless faces. And there is a man who peers into them one by one. His name is… Midnight. [Shot on iPhone 15 Pro] [Original manga by Osamu Tezuka] Stop making fun of me. Stop making fun of me. Stop! That’s funny. [Directed by Takashi Miike] Are you begging me? No way!

Why not? Come on! Noooo. Why not? You’re so annoying! What the… Hey… No one rides for free. I’ll overtake you! How do you like that! Easy… What? If you can kill me, kill me! What!? You thought I was an assassin, huh? So, why are they after you? Five… What? Four… Three… Two… One…

Can he see the future? Are you psychic? You could say that. I can see the near future, but not the past. So what’s your story? Hey! Kaede! Hey! We’re having sukiyaki for dinner! Hey… My father owned a transport company, established 50 years ago by my grandfather. Kaede… My father died. He was killed.

The murderers wanted to take over his turf. Must be hard being all alone. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll never forgive them. If you can kill me, kill me! I won’t let them take my dad’s turf. Man, that’s tough. Good luck with that. See ya. You’re gonna leave just like that?

I told you. I know what’s coming. You’re nothing but trouble. You better run. Bring it on… So annoying. Let go of me! What the… Sorry. My bad. I was just helping, but this ain’t my fight. Hey! It’s over. You’ve caused us a lot of trouble. Right? Brother? What? Brother! They’re broken!

His ribs are broken! Brother! It’s self-driving? Look, I’m a taxi driver. I don’t give out free rides. Looks like you’re my next customer. I’ll drive you ‘til the night ends. Fasten your seatbelt, please. Hey! No way! Boss! Thanks. For helping me. Hold it. No one rides for free.

Sorry, I don’t have my wallet today. I’ll pay you next time. The man only works at night. Tell me… Who are you? What’s your name? Midnight… Just call me that. And with the break of dawn, he’s gone. But when night returns, he’ll be back. Maybe you’ve already crossed paths with him.

[Shot on iPhone 15 Pro]

手塚治虫のマンガ「ミッドナイト」を、三池崇史監督が実写化。すべてiPhone 15 Proで撮影。賀来賢⼈演じるタクシードライバーが、殺し屋に追われる少女カエデに手を貸す。

iPhone 15 ProとiPhone 15 Pro Maxについてさらに詳しく:https://apple.co/49KOPTc

#ShotOniPhone #iPhone15Pro

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