
Model Yuri Ebihara updated her Instagram to show her personal outfit shots from the February issue of Story.  In the post on this day, she wrote, “The February issue of Story’s ALL personal style feature is packed with my fashion thoughts and free-spirited wardrobe ♡” and showed two personal coordinate shots.

The second was a leather mini skirt with a gray knit and a bright blue scarf.  The second one showed a leather mini skirt with a bright blue scarf wrapped around it. Followers commented on this post, “I love Ebi’s personal style,” “She’s so cute and fashionable, I want to copy her,” and “She’s still


In the post on this day, she wrote, “The February issue of Story’s ALL personal style feature is packed with my fashion thoughts and free-spirited wardrobe ♡” and showed two personal coordinate shots. The second was a leather mini skirt with a gray knit and a bright blue scarf.
 The second one showed a leather mini skirt with a bright blue scarf wrapped around it. Followers commented on this post, “I love Ebi’s personal style,” “She’s so cute and fashionable, I want to copy her,” and “She’s still amazing.
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