#1アガサ・クリスティ:エルキュール・ポアロ ロンドン事件簿PS5でやる適当に飽きるまでただやるだけ,

Hey do this yeah you must you know I don’t know question option okay foreign come on your game yesterday Chief commissioner on the contrary it is a most convenient time the safe passage of a painting tell me everything Pune foreign If man was meant to travel the oceans in such conditions he would surely have been given his own fins a distraction is what one needs where is that blusted contact how is one to prepare for an assignment if one does not have all of the required information

Very well I shall wait no longer beautiful isn’t she the Open Water there really is nothing quite like her when one suffers from the maldomir the beauty as you say is rather more a burden forgive me I just can’t imagine being scared of the ocean in this day and age

Control to see the world is open to even the ordinary man like us I can assure you I’m sure it is not a matter of being scared and that’s for ordinary I didn’t mean to offend mister I am Forgive Me Mother no harm done accidents happen I by cigarette case where is it

I didn’t see you thought I wouldn’t notice a young lady traveling alone an easy target for you I bet I’m sure the young lady would appreciate the help of two handsome strangers Anthony aha foreign hmm going to ha ha a young lady should not be left to gather her own things

I didn’t drop it on purpose dear what a mess you are returning home I am but how did you know that is sure yeah besides your educated accents the crests that adorns your cigarette case it is of British origin very observant it’s the crest of my family

And the case belonged to my mother I take it everywhere with me Miss Florence a pleasure to make your acquaintance the pleasure is ours that looks like everything except for my powder case is this what you’re looking for it is thank you Miss babanu Anastasia Anastasia what a beautiful name

It was my grandmother’s our last year well that’s everything now I can’t thank you all enough for your help I’d be happy to escort you here I’ll take you back oh yes okay thank you cabin four I’ll be right behind you Anastasia perhaps I can offer you a

Token of my gratitude in the bar later that would be lovely and you mister detective At Your Service a detective I was not expecting to meet such a distinguished gentle I did not expect to meet someone of Russian descent on a ship between the great city of Antwerp and Dover Andover foreign

I never mentioned where I was from either Kitchen one did not have to Anastasia of Russian origin meaning Resurrection and here is me thinking I was special your knowledge of my Heritage is most impressive and I’ll take that as my cue to leave good evening news it’s just us Romaine I would very much like to hear stories from your Homeland

Perhaps you would join me in the restaurant as Charming as that would be I’m feeling rather dire then I shall lead you to your slumber at you as much as I enjoyed the Delights of the restaurant I still found my mind drifting back to mademoiselle babanya she really was quite Charming

I have spent the first part of this excursion neglecting my duties it’s time to retrieve my notebook from the safe and begin the combination was not a difficult one to remember 1815 the Battle of Waterloo ah land okay saying foreign Of course good luck ASLA could have it one of Belgium’s finest now I require as many details of the crime as you can offer I came to my cabin and began unpacking I couldn’t get the safe working but the gentleman that helped me with my luggage showed me how it works

Afterwards I went for a brief walk and when I returned the safe was open we must consider the suspect list those who were aware of the cigarette case’s existence that can only be those who were up on the deck when my luggage still miss babanyan the porter and your helpful stranger

Yes of course I ask that you gather them for me and while you are absent I shall begin my investigation in here whatever you need to do to find it


9/3(日) 10:39更新

台風 先島諸島は高波・強風に警戒
アクアスロン出場 男性が溺れ死亡
久保が2ゴール 大活躍を自画自賛
W杯 芸能界のバスケファンも歓喜

#イーロン・マスクYouTube買収構想、#天ぷら総理, 未必の故意政治,不況と言わせないメディア操作、#文春チルドレン、ジャニーキムたっ君、山手線大井町駅構想、京浜東北線大崎駅構想、静岡県内こだまのみ停車化構想、余った税収で株を買うってどういうこと?ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ2、ドラクエ、ウクライナ、コロナ、安倍教信者、トランプ、バイデン、 プーチン、ドローン、 男はつらいよ、消費税は利権の塊,、広告代理店派遣会社政治、利権のためだけの値上げラッシュ、おすすめ、切り抜き、ルーティン、こうなります、爆誕、マスク依存症、】、【、ゴメン もうオレ言うわ,このヒトこのまま逃げる気です、WBC,高市、グーグルテレビ局買収?、ザイム心理教、歩行者にも厳しい黒タクシー、芸能界闇投資、消費税の孫SZM、とにかく出たがりだけの嫌われエモン、静寂を平気でぶち壊すキャリーバッグを引きずる頭の悪いあなた、自分自身が敏感になっていることに気が付いていないあなた、自己満足のためだけに他人に謝罪を求めるあなた、ウラゴネ付き正式採用、相棒金田一化構想,ビックシテイーグリーン、エロヨガ、図に乗る生き甲斐ユーチュバー、安易な音楽ビジネスが付いてくるランドアニメ、人生の経験を活かせない老人たち、人力IT, ジオラマ食堂、、ヤミナベ 、闇鍋 、山田社長、闇鍋ジャーナル、イッキ見,ゼレンスキー、サミット、広島.バフムト,蛭子能収さんかと思えば天皇だった、メイドインチャイナの日本政府、ユーチューブで遊ぶ国会議員、プリゴジン、岸田増税マルクス主義、電子書籍とドライアイ、戦争依存症,領土欲張り国家,サムネにイチイチ自分の顔ユーチューバー、独裁化インフルエンサーの悲劇、広告代理店にハメられた芸能人,岸田NG,秦氏、ユダヤ、増税の一番の仕返しとは、まるでサークルやクラブ趣味道楽三昧な公共事業,週刊誌と広告代理店とタレントの自作自演ショー。ITを知り尽くしているはずなのにYouTubeに頼っているヒト,自作自演のトラブルショー」、木原、ネタ切れユーチューバー、1リットルガソリン=1ドル利権構想、ビッグモーターと保険の窓口、ミリタリーワールドゲームズコロナ、セルフレジの見張り、天才ぶらないと気が済まないインフレンサー、



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